Результаты поиска

  1. MpokolisTV

    Server under attack?

    Im trying for 1 hour to play but it looks like server is under ddos attack or the dedicated server has connectivity issues, any GM could take a look and inform us? thank you.
  2. MpokolisTV

    Some awesome changes!

    found it thanks, one last question, streamers get any buff or reward for streaming?
  3. MpokolisTV

    Some awesome changes!

    Thanks for the quick answer but we have potions just for ww and acumen what about shield? bp uses block shield aswell
  4. MpokolisTV

    Some awesome changes!

    Hello friends i would like to suggest few things, first you should make the Arcana Power to stay on after death, second after you get bane from soultaker or bp the buffs you lose to turn back after 10-20-30 sec [up to gm ] and third daggers should be nerfed a bit [im not the only one saying that...